Lots of updates on my site and youtube!
2009 Sunset Strip Music Festival
The 2009 SSMF was quite an improvement on last years! My weekend started off with a Virgin American party on the roof of the Andaz hotel (formerly the Hyatt) in West Hollywood on Friday September 11. I spoke with Chris Cornell and got a photo. He had been scheduled to play but had to cancel his performance. Virgin American had flown contest winners in from across the country to meet him. Even though he wasn't performing, he still came out to meet all of the contest winners. Really nice, charming, down-to-earth guy!
Saturday, Septemeber 12 was the street festival portion of the event. Sunset was closed off between San Vicente and Doheny. There were two stages set up at either end of Sunset and a festival pass got you into 5 clubs along the route. The high point of the festival for me was Nico Vega's performance at the Roxy. They were amazing! I also loved Fishbone! I took a few videos...here-----------> www.youtube.com/lawomanphotography
I spent the weekend of September 19th in Las Vegas, NV. I didn't have much of an agenda...was just meeting a friend to have a girl's weekend. We ventured off the strip and went to Ovation at the Green Valley Ranch in Henderson to check out the Sin City Sinners on Saturday night. They were a lot of fun...Brent Muscat on guitar, Todd Kerns vox/guitar, Mike Ellis on b

On Sunday afternoon, we decided to visit Vince Neil's new restaurant/bar, Feelgoods. Vince collaborated with Count’s Kustoms to create a great rock/biker restaurant and bar. The attention to detail in designing this place is really impressive. Victor (manager on duty) hung out with us and took the time to walk us through the club! They are hoping to expand to Hollywood (WOOHOOO) and San Diego in the near future. If you are in Vegas, it's worth the short drive off the strip. Feelgood's is located at 6750 West Sahara 89146. http://feelgoodsvegas.com/
LA Dogworks
This past Wednesday, September 23, I attended and photographed a wonderful event at LA Dogworks in Hollywood. The event was called "A Night Of Emotion" and was hosted by Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin. Andrew Rosenthal, owner of LA Dogworks, threw this fundraiser to benefit the “Good Dog Animal Rescue” and bring attention to “The National Service Dogs Foundation“, “Fidelco Guide Dogs Foundation” and the companies that are committed to helping dogs and children in need, such as The WAG and Margo's Bark root beer.
My photos from the event are here: http://www.lawomanphotography.com/ladogworks