I'm fascinated with the women who experienced the 60's and 70's rock scene along side my favorite musicians. The term groupie has become tarnished, but in the beginning it was more about the deep love for music and the men who created it. I can relate- I shoot bands because I love the music and it's my way of connecting more deeply to it. You can read more about the doc here:
I can't wait to dig into Pamela's new book: Let's Spend the Night Together:Backstage Secrets of Rock Muses and Supergroupies. She is probably best known as the author of I'm With The Band...but she has written four books. You can find out more on her website: www.pameladesbarres.net
Catherine James also has a book out that I'm also looking forward to read...it's called Dandelion: Memoir of a Free Spirit. You can get more information on her website: www.cate11.com

Michael, Pamela and Michele

Pamela and Catherine

The lovely Pamela Des Barres and me
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